There is a very exclusive Club at the East Liverpool High School. It is called the 1000 Point Club. It consists of those ELHS Basketball players who scored 1000 and/or more points during their varsity career at ELHS.
On Tuesday, December 23, 2014, Nikayla Edgell became the newest member of this club.
Presented below are the names of the club members, year of graduation, the number of points they scored during their ELHS playing career and the web address to their ELHS Athletic Hall of Fame bio and picture if they are a member of that august body.
Ken Cunningham (Class of 1961) 1102 Points.
To put this in proper perspective, this was achieved in three years since freshmen played Jr. High basketball until 1984-85 school year. It was also achieved before the 3 point rule existed. (That rule came to high school games in 87-88 school years it appears).
Mike McFarland (Class of 1992) 1126 Points.
Wendy Baker-hoppel (Class of 1989) 1153* Points.
* There have been newspaper reports that Wendy Baker's total points was 1127 and that Mike McFarland broke Ken Cunningham's record. There is even a photo of Mike McFarland and Ken Cunningham together for the record breaking ceremony. The facts are Wendy Baker's ceremonial ball in the ELHS Trophy Case has 1153 on it for her total number of points and while Mike McFarland is a valid member of the exclusive 1000 Point Club, his 1126 points didn't break Wendy Baker's record. Wendy Baker Broke Ken Cunningham's record in 1989. Wendy held the record as the top basketball scorer in ELHS history, boy or girl from 1989 to 1997.
For more information see: Some HS Basketball Records
Also see Lady Potters Basketball Records.
This particular site, Lady Potters Basketball Records, is very much under construction with updates added as we are told about them or acquire additional information.
Stephen Flores (Class of 1997) 1191 Points.
Marky Thompkins (Class of 2012) 1247 Points.
Josh Reed (Class of 2003) 1305 Points.
Nikayla Edgell (Class 2015) 1380 Points.
Brian Kreefer (Class of 2005) 1384 Points.
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